yeah... i'm thinking i'm back (again)
i swear, i'm going to be better about posting my art here more... Again!!! [but for real]
the good thing about not posting in a while is now, I have an art backlog that I can go through and share with people on here! (if there's still anyone that follows me/knows that i exist here LOL)
i wanna use newgrounds more because this place is really cool and home to very awesome things
i've also been using this website called cohost, that's been kinda occupying my social media brain for the most part (y'all hear about this? cohost? i think it's neat, anyway)
i guess a life update could be in order, not that there's any obligation to but, why not?
i'll just give some footnotes
- got on estrogen in september (it's been 6 months, it's pretty awesome)
- got fired in January (honestly kinda did it on purpose, i was tired of working at kohl's, did not like it)
- been doing my best to draw almost daily (so far so good imo)
- i've been listening to a lot of music, watching a bunch of movies, reading a lot of comics (and also books!), playing some video games as well
- job searching is tremendously WACK, it's coming up on 3 months and nothing yet, a combination of laziness and also the process being soul sucking to go through
- smoking weed 😎🚬
- dude, i found out that my PS3 can't read DVDs anymore and that sucks, i'm gonna have to get a dvd player or something to deal with that, don't wanna go thru the hassle of doing repair, it still reads blu-rays but a bummer nonetheless
but yeah, so far 2024 is going as well as it could be, being unemployed and living with my parents :p
but yeah, that is how i'm doing newgrounds
hoping things are going ok for youuu
i'll try and post maybe 1-2 pieces of art from this backlog until I run out, then i'll just make sure to post whenever i finish something that feels worthy of going onto the portal
(it's gonna be a lot of pencil on paper but I'm thinking about trying to get better at using mspaint, stay tuned)