I only rated it 5 for that epic essay
art fuckin sucks
(it doesn’t actually suck tho, it’s pretty cool)
I only rated it 5 for that epic essay
art fuckin sucks
(it doesn’t actually suck tho, it’s pretty cool)
bunp doing a little trollin' 😎 i see how it is... thank you
never played a final fantasy game
maybe one day...
cute boys
please play one if you can <333 c:
ff7 remake is a really good one too ~
the best one
no doubt
ah yes
freddi fish of doug dimmadome's dimmsdale dimmadome
god this FUCKIN GUY
ah yes
the dracula hunter, judas belmont
Guilty Gear lore is the most amazing thing
The series WoolieVS did is beautiful
I-no is probably the coolest gal of them all
8675 3098 6753 0986
753 09/28
^ credit card and security thing ^
Go nuts
It’s true, I’m gonna keep lookin at it
It’s just too good
i think art is pretty neat
red is my favorite color
video games are pretty good
going full cat mode
Age 23, a cat and a girl
local bookstore
Joined on 11/15/15