You got to be pretty strong to cut someone in half with a fucking bat
You got to be pretty strong to cut someone in half with a fucking bat
The way the psychic powers are shown here are really cool
The real ending of yo-noid 2 where it was all a dream
oooh what would I give to have a yo noid 2 happy ending...
looking at this makes me wonder why the robots in homestuck share a similar pallet
at least from what i've read so far (A6I1)
red, blue, gray
haven't seen that missile launcher bot yet
looks really great
she could at least lean on one of the other sides so other people can use it
also smoking bad >:[
dude murdered his own fuckin shadow
how badass can you get
damn this looks pretty sick
not a lot of people do these motion comic thingies (only one that comes to mind is planet panic)
looks really cool
like those weird condiment fellas
didn't know you were on newgrounds and am now pogged out of my gourd
keep up the great work dude
walking is nice :)
i think art is pretty neat
red is my favorite color
video games are pretty good
going full cat mode
Age 23, a cat and a girl
local bookstore
Joined on 11/15/15